3. Visit the 6 stops located within the Heritage Trail and snap a photograph or “selfie” at each of the 6 stops 游览在历史追逐径图里的6个站然后在每个站拍摄照片或“自拍”
4. At the end of the trail, upload a minimum of 3 photographs taken at any 3 of the 6 stops onto our Timeline 在追逐径结束时,在6个站拍摄的照片中任选最少3个站的3张照片然后上传到我们的时间轴上
5. After completing (4) above, collect a special edition fridge magnet from the parish office (during parish office working hours only) 在完成上述(4)项后,请到堂区办公室领取特制的冰箱磁铁 (只在办公室办公时间)
6. As the numbers of fridge magnets is limited to one per person, do take this opportunity to walk down this trail of nostalgic feelings while creating new memories 由于冰箱磁铁的数量有限,只限每人一个,就趁着这个机会一起走向怀旧的痕迹,同时创造新的记忆