The Altar Servers
The altar servers ministry of HNJ parish previously consisted of only young boys who have received their First Holy Communion until Confirmation. In 2014, 3 young girls from the Mandarin-speaking parishioners joined the ministry followed by another 3 young girls from the English-speaking parishioners. These young parishioners assist the serving priests in the Sanctuary.
The altar servers ministry of HNJ parish previously consisted of only young boys who have received their First Holy Communion until Confirmation. In 2014, 3 young girls from the Mandarin-speaking parishioners joined the ministry followed by another 3 young girls from the English-speaking parishioners. These young parishioners assist the serving priests in the Sanctuary.
The Communion Ministers
The Communion ministers distribute Holy Communion during Mass, bringing the Holy Eucharist to homebound or hospitalised parishioners, conducting funeral services at the graveyard and helping the priest during blessings and distribution of ashes. They also serve as Ministers for Church services in the absence of a priest.
送圣体员的任务是在弥撒时协助主祭派送圣体及将圣体送给在家中、在老人院或在医院的病弱者。此外送圣体员有职责在墓园主持葬礼和协助主祭祝圣及派送圣灰。早前本堂的送圣体员只由年长男士担任,但自2009 年开始年轻化及拣选女士担任。
The Communion ministers distribute Holy Communion during Mass, bringing the Holy Eucharist to homebound or hospitalised parishioners, conducting funeral services at the graveyard and helping the priest during blessings and distribution of ashes. They also serve as Ministers for Church services in the absence of a priest.
送圣体员的任务是在弥撒时协助主祭派送圣体及将圣体送给在家中、在老人院或在医院的病弱者。此外送圣体员有职责在墓园主持葬礼和协助主祭祝圣及派送圣灰。早前本堂的送圣体员只由年长男士担任,但自2009 年开始年轻化及拣选女士担任。
The Lectors and Commentators
The Lectors and Commentators Ministry is for the lay faithful who are willing to grow spiritually and commit themselves to perform their duties and responsibilities specifically in the proclamation of the Word in Liturgical celebrations. Lectors proclaim the Old and New Testament Readings during the Liturgy of the Word at week-end and Holy Day Liturgies and ensure that the Word is accorded due meaning and significance. Commentators greet and read the Introduction to the Liturgy and General Intercessions.
The Lectors and Commentators Ministry is for the lay faithful who are willing to grow spiritually and commit themselves to perform their duties and responsibilities specifically in the proclamation of the Word in Liturgical celebrations. Lectors proclaim the Old and New Testament Readings during the Liturgy of the Word at week-end and Holy Day Liturgies and ensure that the Word is accorded due meaning and significance. Commentators greet and read the Introduction to the Liturgy and General Intercessions.
The Hospitality Ministers
The Hospitality ministry consist of men and women volunteers who help by ushering the congregation to the pews, carry out collections, and provide logistic support during liturgical events.
The Hospitality ministry consist of men and women volunteers who help by ushering the congregation to the pews, carry out collections, and provide logistic support during liturgical events.
The Choirs
The choirs provide the service of liturgical music and singing to enhance and make more meaningful the liturgy which goes on during Masses and other Church services. There are 3 main language choirs – Mandarin, English and Tamil. Although providing services separately during normal Masses, the 3 choirs will be combined during feasts to provide a multi-lingual character to the music and singing.
The choirs provide the service of liturgical music and singing to enhance and make more meaningful the liturgy which goes on during Masses and other Church services. There are 3 main language choirs – Mandarin, English and Tamil. Although providing services separately during normal Masses, the 3 choirs will be combined during feasts to provide a multi-lingual character to the music and singing.
The Audio-Visual Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the slide and other audio-visual presentations during Masses and other celebrations and consists of young volunteers who are grouped into Mandarin and English sections.
This ministry is responsible for the slide and other audio-visual presentations during Masses and other celebrations and consists of young volunteers who are grouped into Mandarin and English sections.
The Sacristans Group
This group was incorporated into the Liturgy Committee in 2014 to provide better service during Masses and other celebrations. They are tasked with preparing and maintaining the Sanctuary, vestments, Holy Books, and sacramentals used.
This group was incorporated into the Liturgy Committee in 2014 to provide better service during Masses and other celebrations. They are tasked with preparing and maintaining the Sanctuary, vestments, Holy Books, and sacramentals used.