A brief history of the Sisters of
the Holy Infant Jesus and Balik Pulau Convent
The Balik Pulau Convent
The Balik Pulau Convent otherwise known as the School of the Sacred Heart was established on February 3 1930. Three nuns from the Sisters of the Infant Jesus pioneered the Convent: Sr. Rose, Sr. Francois and Sr. St. Geneieve. Their aim was to educate young girls from the local “Hakka” community and its medium of teaching remained in Mandarin.
While the Convent carried out its mission in education for 60 years, it eventually closed down on 21 October 1990 and the building returned to the church. The Convent community building is currently used as a home for the elderly and retired Sisters of the Infant Jesus.
浮罗山背修道院又称“圣心学校” 创立于1930年2月3日,由三位来自耶稣圣婴修女会的修女,即Rose修女,Francois修女和St Genevieve创办,目的是为了是教育来自客家社群的年轻女生。修道院经过了60年后,终于在1990年10月21日关闭,并归还给堂区,目前是耶稣圣婴修女会的修女们安老的地方。
The Balik Pulau Convent otherwise known as the School of the Sacred Heart was established on February 3 1930. Three nuns from the Sisters of the Infant Jesus pioneered the Convent: Sr. Rose, Sr. Francois and Sr. St. Geneieve. Their aim was to educate young girls from the local “Hakka” community and its medium of teaching remained in Mandarin.
While the Convent carried out its mission in education for 60 years, it eventually closed down on 21 October 1990 and the building returned to the church. The Convent community building is currently used as a home for the elderly and retired Sisters of the Infant Jesus.
浮罗山背修道院又称“圣心学校” 创立于1930年2月3日,由三位来自耶稣圣婴修女会的修女,即Rose修女,Francois修女和St Genevieve创办,目的是为了是教育来自客家社群的年轻女生。修道院经过了60年后,终于在1990年10月21日关闭,并归还给堂区,目前是耶稣圣婴修女会的修女们安老的地方。